
R. S. Hosse, U. Becker: GaLoROI – A Satellite based Localisation Platform in Railways. In: European Union, Hrsg.: SMC 2015, Oktober 2015. Satellite Masters Conference.

Hansjörg Manz, Eckehard Schnieder, Denis Stein, Max Spindler, Martin Lauer, Carsten Seedorff, Arne Baudis, Uwe Becker, Julie Beugin, T.P. Khanh Nguyen, Juliette Marais. GaLoROI: Satellite based localization in railways. In Proceedings of the International Congress of Advanced Railway Engineering (IC-ARE), Seiten 322–329, March 2015.

D. Lu, E. Schnieder: Performance Evaluation of GNSS for Train Localization. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS. (99), September 2014.

Denis Stein, Martin Lauer, Max Spindler. An analysis of different sensors for turnout detection for train-borne localization systems. In C.A. Brebbia, N. Tomii, P. Tzieropoulos, J.M. Mera, Herausgeber, Computers in Railways XIV: Railway Engineering Design and Optimization, Band 135 of WIT Transactions on The Built Environment, Seiten 827–838, Southampton, June 2014. WIT Press.

Khanh NGUYEN, Julie Beugin, Juliette MARAIS. RAMS analysis of GNSS based localisation system for the train control application. ComManTel, 2nd International Conference on
Computing, Management and Telecommunications, Apr 2014, France. 6p.

Khanh NGUYEN, Julie Beugin, Juliette MARAIS. Dependability evaluation of a GNSS andECS based localisation unit for railway vehicles. ITST 2013, 13th International Conference on
ITS telecommunications, Nov 2013, Finland. 6p.

Manz, H.; Schnieder, E.; Becker, U.; Seedorff, C.; Baudis, A.: Certifiable Satellite Based Safe On-Board Train Localisation Unit. AusRAIL PLUS 2013 – Driving the costs out of rail, Sydney, Australien, November 2013.

D.Lu, F. G. Toro and E. Schnieder, RAMS Evaluation of GNSS for Railway Localisation, ICIRT 2013 – IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Rail Transportation, Beijing, China, August 2013.